Discover Hope for Heart Care Through Research

Possibilities Powered by Research
MHIF research leads to exciting breakthroughs that wouldn't be possible without patients like you. At any given time, MHIF conducts more than 200 studies that offer cutting-edge care to more than 2,000 patients across all areas of cardiovascular care.
Our Research Participants Are Our Heroes
Not only does MHIF research make a difference for future patients, it offers hope to current patients. Volunteering for a study may give you access to innovative treatments only available through research. Asking your doctor about options available through research is a simple way to make sure you consider all possibilities for your care.
Common Questions from Research Candidates
Successes like these wouldn’t be possible without willing patients. Research candidates often have questions about study participation, and our team welcomes inquiries. Expand the following questions for answers on topics about which we’re often asked.
How can I qualify for a study?
A MHIF research coordinator will screen you for the study. Some people are screened for research but don’t qualify because of reasons they can’t control. Your doctor also reviews your case with members of an extended medical team to ensure you are an appropriate candidate.
What is the cost to participate?
Research studies are funded through private industry or grants that cover associated costs. Generally, any testing and services performed as part of the study will be provided at no cost to you.
How is my study treatment determined?
Although each study’s approach is different, they are all thoughtfully designed and approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Research coordinators review these study-specific details with you to ensure you understand the treatment possibilities before you are screened to participate.
How are MHIF studies governed?
MHIF takes every possible precaution to protect our research participants. An independent review board approves and monitors all studies to ensure that the risks are as low as possible and that your participant rights are protected.
What if I decide I no longer wish to participate?
You will learn the facts about the study before you agree to participate. If you meet study eligibility requirements and choose to participate, you will be asked to sign an informed consent document. This is not a contract; you can leave the study at any time, for any reason.
How long has MHIF been conducting studies?
Consistently recognized as one of the leading nonprofit cardiovascular research and education institutions, MHIF has been partnering with MHI physicians to further heart and vascular treatment since 1982.
Take Your Next Step
Advancing your own care starts with one simple question. Ask your doctor: “Is research one of my options?” The answer could be the difference in discovering a new treatment you and others may need to live well and manage a challenging heart or vascular condition.
If you or someone you care about would like more information about research participation, talk to your doctor, call us at 612-863-3980 or email us at the link below.