General Cardiology
Our research work in general cardiology offers the most current, up-to-date novel therapies to patients.
The Importance of Research in General Cardiology
We're always assessing treatment options and continuously improving standard therapy. Common conditions and needs that fall under this research area are:
- Hypertension
- High cholesterol
- Lifestyle changes
Research allows us to continue to improve how we treat patients with cardiovascular disease, including the prevention of future heart attacks and strokes by improving blood pressure and/or cholesterol levels. Research allows us to continue to think outside of the box to provide the most optimal care to our patients.
Looking for more resources for heart disease prevention? Visit our prevention & population health page

The Importance of Research in General Cardiology
Research allows us to continue to improve on how we treat patients with cardiovascular disease, whether it is to help prevent any future heart attacks, strokes, help improve blood pressure or cholesterol levels. Research allows us to continue to think outside of the box to provide the most optimal care to our patients.
Major Contributions
Our team has contribute to the Amgen Evolocumab (Repatha®) PCSK9i trial. Newest hot therapy and indication being studied is Lipoprotein (a) (Lp(a)).
Examples of Research
Statins, ASA, BP meds, BB trials, fish oil trials. Lp(a) studies, renal denervation, PCSK9i, myocarditis research.
Leadership in Pericarditis Research
We enroll nearly 1,000 research participants every year, providing hope for patients through options that may only be available because of research, which crosses all areas of cardiovascular health and care. In the area of general cardiology, some of our latest research has focused on pericarditis, which is swelling and irritation of the tissue surrounding the heart (pericardium).
Dr. David Lin leads the pericarditis research at MHIF and has published in leading cardiovascular journals, including the New England Journal of Medicine. This research was a Phase I multi center study of a new option for patients with acute symptoms of recurrent pericarditis. This is an important example of world-class research at MHIF that also contributes to the process to achieve regulatory approval of new treatments for patients.
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