Heart Attack & Intervention

Working on sponsored clinical trials allows us to make revolutionary changes to how people are treated immediately after they suffer a heart attack. Partnerships with other organizations that share our patient-centered focus help us treat you better.

Innovations in Heart Attack & Interventions

Minneapolis Heart Institute Foundation conducts Interventional and Heart Attack research that has resulted in improvements for patients across the world. The standard of care for heart attack patients has forever changed thanks to research. 

Examples include: 

  • Research on all of the FDA-approved Stents that are now available within our hospital.
  • Intra Coronary Devices such as IVUS and OCT that project images from inside the heart vessel
  • Vascular closure devices that are utilized for the majority of the femoral procedures

These practices are evidence-based medicine that's making life-changing differences in the care of patients. 

Mike with research staff

Level One

One historical innovation led by Minneapolis Heart Institute Foundation was the Level One program that changed the standard of care to ensure that patients in rural areas without a cardiologist on duty have the opportunity to receive the latest in cardiovascular care.

When a heart attack occurs, speed to care can be a vital difference. Level One helped rural patients quickly get to areas where cardiologists and care providers could give them important care. 

What Our Research Includes

  • Dye-sparing devices to help decrease risks to the kidneys during procedures
  • Chronic Total Occlusion, Bifurcation, and other complex coronary intervention trials
  • Vascular closure devices used at the end of the procedure to decrease recovery time
  • Large registry trials that provide vast patient outcomes data that help improve the care of our patients
  • Stents and the associated medications with the use of stents
  • Atherectomy devices that break up calcified blockages within the heart
  • Intracoronary balloon trials that help expand, treat and prepare the vessel for stent placement
  • Drug trials for emergent heart attack patients to help improve outcomes
  • Intracoronary imaging devices that provide images from inside the heart

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Give the Gift of Hope
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The Minneapolis Heart Institute Foundation® (MHIF) strives to create a world without heart and vascular disease. To achieve this bold vision, we are dedicated to improving the cardiovascular health of individuals and communities through innovative research and education.

Thanks to the generosity of donors like you, we can continue this life-saving work. Please make a gift to support lasting change in the lives of individuals we serve and future generations to come.

Celebrate Heart Month with a Gift Towards Research!

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hearts illustrative background

For over 40 years, the Minneapolis Heart Institute Foundation has been one of the leading nonprofit cardiovascular research and education institutions in the country.

This heart month, make your gift in honor of a loved one and the physicians, researchers and educators working to create a world without heart and vascular disease.